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iAiB iCiD iEiF iGiH iIiJ iKiL iMiN iOiP iQiR iSiT iUiV iWiX iYiZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
UPS +insect 37
VAAYU DHWANI +insect 35
VANDU BRAND +insect 24
VANGANGA +insect & leaf 5
VENTI NETS +insect & hexago 24
VENTINETS +insect & hexagon 35
VHB DACMOZEN +insect 5
VIPARUM +insect 5
WBM SERVICE +insect 37
WINDOOR anti-insect roller 19
X +insect 5
YAMATE insect repellent 5
YES EVENTS +insect 41
ZEEPA +insect 13
ZEN chalk +insect 5
ahimsa silk +hand & insect 24
cartoon of insect 9, 16, 38, 41, 42
classic POOH +bear & insect 3, 9, 24, 28
cross & insect 5
flower insect & hexagons 36
karnataka silks +insect 25
pci +insect 42
royal +insect & oval 30
spelling BEE +insect 16
super ROACH insect killer 5
uic ONIMIX +insect 7
insecticide +square 5
ALTISMAIN insecticide 5
ASCEND insecticide JAI KISA 5
BROKEN insecticide 1
BUPROH insecticide 5
CHLOROBAN insecticide 1
CLEAVER insecticide 5
CLOCYPER GOLD insecticide 5
CYPERFAN insecticide +sword 5
CYPERMIL insecticide +arrow 5
DELTAHIT insecticide GANESH 5
ELEMENT insecticide CHEMTUR 5
FIL PROZEN GR insecticide 5
FIPROH insecticide +drop 5
FLOG insecticide HT CHEMICA 5
FORITOX insecticide 5
GRIP insecticide 5
HE-MAN SUPER insecticide 5
HONDACIL insecticide 5
HONDAGOR insecticide 5
IMIGRO SYSTEMIC insecticide 5
IMPREX systemic insecticide 5
JAZZAGAN insecticide 5
JHAKAS 405 insecticide 5
KILPHOSE insecticide 5
KIMIDA insecticide 1
KINGSUPER-10 insecticide 5
KOSMITE insecticide +plants 5
MALIK insecticide 5
MILDON insecticide +oval 5
MILPHOS insecticide 5
MILTHION insecticide 5
MILUX insecticide +arrows 5
MINORI insecticide +plant 5
MONO SUPER insecticide 5
MONOWISH insecticide 5
MOOSA insecticide +man 5
MORE DUST insecticide 5
NEEM-super insecticide 5
NUVAMIL insecticide 5
OCETA insecticide 5
PAGER insecticide 5
PRESTIGE insecticide 1
PROTECTOR insecticide +plan 5
RAJ ANGER insecticide 5
RAJ SAHAYAK insecticide 5
ROGORUS insecticide 5
RUDE insecticide 5
SAVE insecticide +man 5
SOLFOS insecticide +bottle 1
STARWISH insecticide 5
SUPERTA insecticide 5
TACFEIN insecticide 5
TACKGAR 30 insecticide 5
TACKPHOSS insecticide 5
TACKQUINAL insecticide 5
TACKSULPHA insecticide 5
TAFABAN insecticide RALLIS 5
TRI-DEV insecticide 5
ULQUIN insecticide 5
UTKAL ULBON insecticide 5
UTKAL ULCRON insecticide 5
VAT 50 insecticide MEGHMANI 5
VINYCIDE insecticide paint 2
MILCHLOR insecticides +plan 5
insects 9
8 HOURS NITEBEL +insects 5
ARJUN +insects & circle 5
AZADEX +insects 5
BCRL +insects & circle 5
BEETLE GROUP +insects 37, 44
BIO DOSE MAGNUM +insects 1
BRIZK +woman & insects 5
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